Missionary Info Issue
The board, seeing that there were many missions and seeing that they did not have a standardized policy in place to make sure that their response to different requests to post literature [was equitable - Updated by APWWW], decided to come up with a standard Missionary Information Display Policy. This policy is available to anyone who requests it.
The policy basically states that in order to get something displayed in the entry there is an approval process. You submit a request to the board with the following information:
- Description of the literature and a draft copy or sketch of what it would look like
- Start date of display
- End date of display
- Who will be responsible for maintaining the information
The literature would need to be professional in appearance, be clear about what mission it is supporting, and would be reviewed and approved by the board on a case-by-case basis.
This board member told me that they had only one request to put literature in the entry that did not happen. The reason it didn't happen was not because the board did not approve it. The request was before the policy was in place so when the policy was created the board sent this policy to the individual. Over a year passed and they did not receive a response.
So that's the gist of it. Doesn't sound very legalistic to me.